Civil War (Product Information)

Descriptions of the product: Text product, consisting of about 4700 words about. For the sake of providing fact basis for Galaxy Human Theories, this article describes lots of items of Galaxy human information.

Language: English

Delivery mode: After completing the purchase process, the member will acquire the membership of downloading the contents of this product. On the condition that the member would not have purchased our other retail products in three months or more, the downloading time for this product is limited in three months calculated from the time of completing of the payment process for it. And the total times allowed for downloading of this product is 10. The file name for this product to be download is “civil-war… .docx”. The membership level referred to this product is f16.

Downloading methods: After login, f16 member can download the product through two ways:

(1) in the member’s welcome page click “Download f16~下载f16” button, access to the page of“Civil War (Text)~ 内战(正文)”, open it and click the “Download” button at the bottom of the opened text page.

(2) at first click the “Retail Product~零售产品” in the main menu, then on the opened page click “Retail Product Downloads~零售产品下载”, then on the opened page click “Fact Basis of Galaxy Human Theory Download List~银河人理论的事实根据下载目录” , then on the opened page click “Civil War (Text)~ 内战(正文)”, then click the “Download” button at the bottom of the opened text page.

After finished downloading, open the downloaded file by using Microsoft Office Word 2016 or other word programs.

Attentions: Before completing the download of this product successfully after purchasing this product, f16 member should not purchase other products on this website,otherwise f16 member will lose his/her f16 membership and consequently will be not able to download the contents of this product and further more will be not able to open the text content page of this product. The member should bear the losses resulting from such mistakes by himself/herself (See Delivery Policy~交付政策).  After f16 member completes the process of purchasing the next product, he/she will get a new membership level and at the same time, his/her old membership level (f16) will become invalid.

Consuming Mode: Members download the contents of the product to their private computer and read offline.

Conditions for Purchase: f15 member (f15 member is the  member who has purchased the “Motivations for Marching South(f15)).

Purchasing Methods: After login, the f15 member who does not live in mainland China and plans to purchase this product in retail can follow two ways:

(1) On the Welcome page, click the “Purchase f16 ~ 购买 f16” button and then open the “Civil War (f16) ~ 内战(f16)” page. After reading, click the “Order f16” button below the English text in the page.

(2) click the “Retail Product~零售产品” in the main menu, on the opened page click “Buy Retail Product~购买零售产品”, on the opened page click “Fact Basis of the Galaxy Human Theory (Retail Product)~银河人理论的事实根据(零售产品)”,on the opened page click “”Civil War (f16) ~ 内战(f16)”,then click the “Order f16” button below the English text in the page.

Retail Price:4.10USD